A man with dark hair and a sunset in the background
Photographic project & publication
A man with dark hair and a sunset in the background (2017-2020) explores visual recognition through a dialogue-based approach with an image interpretation software. Each personal photograph in the series is paired with captions ascribed by Microsoft Azure image interpretation system.
Published by 6 chairs books & Lugemik
Design by Tadas Karpavičius
Text by Monika Kalinauskaitė
Available to order here and here
Blok | Duncan Wooldridge
C4 journal | Lewis Bush
Echo gone wrong | Keiu Krikmann
15 min | Geistė Kinčinaitytė (LT)

The combinations of image and captions highlight the gap between human and machine seeing, and are poetic and humorous. Offering a differentiated perspective of the surrounding world, the project raises questions related to the role technology plays in our seeing, as well as its seeming objectivity.
The project was presented in a solo exhibition at Lokomotif in Lentvaris in 2019.

A man with dark hair and a sunset in the background was also presented in group exhibitions Screen Age I: Self-Portrait (Riga Photography Biennial, 2018) and Homo Absentia (2020/2021).

As part of Homo Absentia exhibition in Vilnius squares. Photo: Imantas Selenis

Detail of A man with dark hair and a sunset in the background in Homo Absentia exhibition. Photo: Visvaldas Morkevičius